Corresponding to the physical body and interpenetrating this body there is another body which we wear. Just as there is a well-laid out nervous system on the physical body, imagine another subtler than the nervous system on the other body. This system is called NADI system. There are thousands of such NADIS. A few important ones are referred to in books. IDA, PINGALA, SUSHUMNA (through the spinal column). These NADIS are beyond the scalpel of the surgeon. This is ancient Yoga.
Discoveries by Soviet scientists in recent years – They have found out an energy body which they call BIOPLASMA body. There is something more than the physical body and this is known to the scientist. This BIOPLASMA body is photographed by means of Kirlian photography. Kirlian is the name of Mr. and Mrs. Kirlian. No camera is used. The flux of electromagnetic waves produces the image. Modern science has stated that this is something like an energy body. Etheric double – term from Theosophy. Say we do not know if it is the same as BIOPLASMA or PRANA, but there is something more than the physical body. If you work on this NADI system, it leads to tranquility of the mind.
PRANAYAMA – rhythmic breathing. Literal meaning, control over PRANA.
PRANA – same energy pulsates through all animate things.
Practice of PRANAYAMA has an effect on the NADI system. Control over breath is different from control over PRANA, because breath is different from PRANA. By manipulating breath in a rhythmic way, we affect PRANA and the NADI system. This is a link between the superphysical. The effect on the NADI system has an effect on the mind.