“The entire ice cap of Greenland has almost completely disappeared.” – NASA
Greenland Ice Sheet
The Greenland ice sheet is a vast body of ice covering 1,710,000 square kilometers, roughly 80% of the surface of Greenland. It is the second largest ice body in the world, after the Antarctic Ice Sheet.

For several days this month (July 2012), Greenland’s surface ice cover melted over a larger area than at anytime in more than 30 years of satellite observations. Nearly the entire ice cover of Greenland, from its thin, low-lying coastal edges to its two mile thick center, experienced some degrees of melting at its surface, according to measurements from three independent satellites analyzed by NASA and university scientist.
Greenland Ice Caps go from 40% melted to 97% melted in one week. During the month of June 2012 a iceberg twice the size of Manhattan split from Greenland. During that same period 3,215 high-temperature records across the United States were broken or tied.
“The pollution is more dangerous than SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome), because no one can escape it.” – Chinese Scientists
Pollution in China
Former Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said health safeguards would be improved and efforts would be made to control air pollution and make water supplies safer.
China’s leaders are confronting growing anger over choking pollution and contaminated water that is unsafe to drink.

The Cost of Pollution
Ref. the Huffington Post: Worldwide air pollution caused 5.5 million deaths in 2013 from lung cancer stroke, bronchitis and other diseases — more than malaria or AIDS; And the cost of pollution-related illness and deaths is $255 billion in lost labor last year, the World Bank said in a new report on Sept 8.
One tenth of all deaths in 2013 came from air pollution, said the World Bank.
But the real cost is even higher – more than $5 trillion in 2013 a year – when the Bank economists included what they call “welfare costs” – the money people would be willing to pay to prevent an early death.
One in ten deaths around world is from air pollution, said the Bank’s report authors.
And even if London, New York and other wealthy cities have greatly cut pollution in recent decades, the toxic fumes have greatly increased in China, India and other growing economies.
Regarding outdoor pollution, some 87 percent of world population lives in areas above World Health Organization guidelines, said the Bank report.
About half the deaths are from outdoor air pollution, often from cars, industry and clearing forestland. The other half comes from indoor pollution, mainly from billions of people cooking with wood, dung and other smoke-producing biomass, said Urvashai Narain, senior environmental economist at the World Bank and one of the report authors, in an interview.
U.S. and other aid agencies have pushed for many years for people to shift from biomass to gas and electricity; or to adopt efficient cook stoves with metal or clay vents to expel smoke.
For example, U.S. foreign aid delivered to rebuild homes in Pakistan after a 2005 earthquake included a sheet metal cooking stove plus a few feet of exhaust pipe per family.
However, all the improvements from such new technology has been swallowed up, said the World Bank official, by the continued increase in population in developing countries. The planet is set to surge from seven billion today to 10 or even 15 billion in coming decades – depending on whether donor nations are willing to invest in family planning or not. In the United States and in Catholic countries such as the Philippines, providing birth control is a controversial political move.
Pollution causes respiratory disease, especially among children who stay close to their mothers in those smoky kitchens, as well as chronic bronchitis and lung cancer said the report authors said.
“We need to get the private sector to provide technology,” said Ms. Narain. “Previous cheap fixes did not penetrate the market, or the technology breaks down and there is no support to maintain it.”
The Bank works with a number of governments to develop policies and has made $6.5 billion in loans to cut all forms of pollution between 2009-2016. But the report does not say how to reduce air pollution and save those millions of lives lost each year.
“The report just shows the cost of pollution. It is a call to action,” she said.
“We hope the report will lead to more resources to fight pollution.”
However, the report confines itself to air pollution and ignores the huge number of toxic waste sources poisoning the soil and water.
In addition, the Bank report should have made a plan of action that could begin to reduce pollution, said Richard Fuller, head of the non-governmental organization Pure Earth, which cleans up toxic waste sites in developing countries.
“What is needed is a plan that varies from city to city to fix this nonsense,” said Fuller in an interview.
“For example, city X needs those three power plants converted. City Y needs to shut down burning biomass in winter. Another city needs to convert to stringent European diesel standards.
“We have got to move way from hand-wringing and move to specific actions,” Fuller said. “It is not rocket science. It is easy. We won’t need to reinvent anything.”

China now burns 3.8 billions tons of coal each year, nearly as much as the rest of the world combined. China’s CO2 emissions rose by 720 million tons in 2011 a 9.3% increase. Pollution and dust generated in China has been found settling in Japan and places as far away as California.
“Australia’s Angry Summer of extreme weather was made worst by climate change.” – Australian Government Commission
An Australian government commission says that what was termed “Australia’s Angry Summer” of extreme weather was “made worst” by climate change. Part of Australia’s Climate Commission’s report states the following: Extreme weather events dominated the 2012/2013 Australian summer, including record-breaking heat, severe bush fires, extreme rainfall and damaging flooding. Extreme heat waves and catastrophic bushfire conditions during the “Angry Summer” were made worse by climate changes.

All weather, including extreme weather events, is influenced by climate change. All extreme weather events are now occurring in a climate system that is warmer and moister than it was 50 years ago. This influences the nature, impact and intensity of extreme weather events.
The Australia’s Climate Commission also draws a connection between climate change extreme rainfall and flooding. The basic physics that underpin the connection between a warming climate and more rainfall are well known. Higher surface ocean temperatures drive more evaporation, leading to more water vapor in the atmosphere. This, in turn, leads to more precipitation (rainfall, snow or hail).
The U.S. experienced a severe heat wave during the month of July 2011, a total of 9000 temperature records were set, 64 people were killed and over two thirds of the population was affected. 100 degrees plus temperature days were experienced on a regular bases. Scientist are now connecting the dots between extreme weather events and climate change.
According to scientist at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), is that higher temperatures caused by global warming are disrupting the flow of planetary waves that oscillate between Arctic and tropical regions, redistributing the warm and cold air that usually help regulate the Earth’s climate. “When they swing up, these waves suck warm air from the tropics to Europe, Russia, or the US, and when they swing down, they do the same thing with cold air from the Arctic.”
Another recent study by scientist at Harvard highlights how changes to air circulation patterns are spreading drought. As warm tropical air rises, it triggers rain before migrating to higher latitudes. The dry air then descends, heats up and eventually travels again, landing in regions characterized by desert.
These dry regions used to be confined to narrow bands spanning the globe. But now, these lands are expanding by several degrees in latitude.
Research shows that the incidence of trapped waves has and continues to increase dramatically. That means that the heat waves are not only here to stay, they’ll become more frequent and will linger longer.
“…the conclusion that sub-lethal exposure to neonicitinoids is likely the main culprit for the occurrence of Colony Collapse Disorder.” – Bulletin of Insectology
Honey Bees

The average person may not quite understand the vital importance of the honey bees on our planet. As pollinators it is said that they are responsible for over 130 different fruit and vegetable crops that we eat. They also pollinate large numbers of flowers. It has also been stated that at least 70% of our table foods would totally disappear from the planet without the honey bees.
Honey bees are dying at alarming rates all around the globe and researchers don’t know why the honey bees are disappearing. The strangest thing is not only are the honey bees dying off but there are no dead bodies left to examine or perform autopsies on. It is like they completely vanish into thin air. However, scientist have come up with a name. It is being called Colony Collapse Disorder and it is happening to around a third of commercial beehives, over a million colonies every year.
The average person may not quite understand the vital importance of the honey bees on our planet. As pollinators it is said that they are responsible for over 130 different fruit and vegetable crops that we eat. They also pollinate large numbers of flowers. It has also been stated that at least 70% of our table foods would totally disappear from the planet without the honey bees.
Honey bees are dying at alarming rates all around the globe and researchers don’t know why the honey bees are disappearing. The strangest thing is not only are the honey bees dying off but there are no dead bodies left to examine or perform autopsies on. It is like they completely vanish into thin air.

However, scientist have come up with a name. It is being called Colony Collapse Disorder and it is happening to around a third of commercial beehives, over a million colonies every year. New more recent studies are now pointing a finger at a class of pesticides known as neonicotinoids. The neonicotiniods also referred to as “neonics” for short, coat a massive 142 million acres of corn, wheat, soy and cotton seeds. They are also a common ingredient in home gardening products. It’s still not definitely know that this is the culprit. Scientist tend to think it is a combination of possibilities including a virus or fungus, pesticides and even electromagnetic radiation from cell phones. This problem of bee-population collapse is not just a big problem in the USA but it seems to be spreading worldwide and has been seen as far away as Europe and India.
A more recent report and studies on the mystery of Honey Bee ‘Colony Collapse Disorder’ definitely points the finger at a class of pesticides know as neoniotinoids – insecticides that also act as nerve poisons and mimic the effect of nicotine. The paper published May 9, 2014 in the Bulletin of Insectology, “reinforces the conclusion that sub-lethal exposure to neonicitinoids is likely the main culprit for the occurrence of CCD.’
“The lungs of our planet are disappearing at an alarming rate.”
The Rain Forest
The Rainforest often referred to as the lungs of the planet is disappearing at a frightening rate. The Rainforest though is much much more then just the lungs of our planet. It now covers only 6% of the earth’s land surface, down from 14% coverage. What Rainforest that remains could be gobbled up in less than a half a century if deforestation continues at the current rate.

Hundreds of plants, animal and insect species are being lost every single day due to rainforest deforestation. The area the size of the state of New Jersey is being cut down and destroyed every year.
“Mount Everest has lost 13% of it’s glacier snow over the last 50 years.”
Mount Everest
Mount Everest is the highest mountain, with a peak at 8,848 metres above sea level and the 5th tallest mountain measured from the centre of the Earth. It is located in the Mahalangur section of the Himalayas.
NBC News notes that Himalayan glaciers provide power and water for close to 1.5 billion people. This is extremely critical since the downstream populations are so dependent on the melt water for agriculture, drinking and power production.

Scientist say that Mount Everest has lost 13% of it’s glacier snow over the last 50 years. There has also been a 590 vertical moving of the snow line. Scientist now confirm that a warming world the result of climate change is melting the Himalayan region.
Data also shows that the temperature has increased by slightly more that 1 degree Fahrenheit. There has also been a 3.9 % decrease in precipitation during the pre-monsoon and winter months in the last 20 years.
“GeoEngineering or Chemtrails are doing more damage to the planet’s ecosystems than all other forms of pollution combined.”
Chemtrails / GeoEngineering
Scientist are saying that GeoEngineering or Chemtrails are doing more damage to the planet’s Eco-systems than all other forms of pollution combined. GeoEngineering is weather modification on a global scale by solar obscuration to block the sun with toxic metal particulates. One major ideology SRM Solar Radiation Management is the science of controlling sunlight before it reaches the planet. These aeorosols are dispersed by ‘unmarked’ jet planes creating these Chemtrails, lines of reflective artificial clouds.

These Chemtrails contain a dangerous and extremely poisonous mix of chemicals, mainly Aluminum, Barium and Strontium.
They can also contain:
- radioactive thorium cadium
- chromium
- desiccated blood
- nickel
- mold spores
- yellow fungalmycotoxins
- ethylene dibromide
polymer fibers
Sun’s rays are being blocked causing what is being called ‘Global Dimming’. The diminishing of the Sun’s penetration is causing vitamin D deficiency on a large scale, since the Sun is the major source of vitamin D.
Ice is disappearing from the Arctic releasing more Methane gases into the atmosphere. Ocean levels are rising causing more Global Warming.
The Oceans are also becoming acidic threatening all marine life. We are seeing more and more fish die-offs and marine life disappearance.
“Drought and climate change have turned western forests into firebombs that go off every summer.”
In the Forests, where drought has been created coupled by dry lightning storms, we have the perfect recipe for forest fires. Hundreds of millions of acres of forest land have been lost around the globe.
Scientist say that wildfires in the Western United States are getting bigger and more severe. They say that, “both the frequency of large wildfires and the length of the fire season have increased substantially in recent decades. An article on wildfires says, “Drought and climate change have turned western forests into firebombs that go off every summer.”

Now we see wildfires the size and intensity that was rare only a decade ago on an annual occurrence. Wildfires are infringing more and more on residential areas destroying millions of dollars worth of homes and other structures. They are getting bigger and spreading further into populated areas that use to be considered outside of the ‘normal’ wildfire area.
Global warming is said to play a role since droughts and dry forests filled with kindle make perfect conditions for wildfires. Scientist are also saying that the warmer temperatures even amplify these already ripe wildfire conditions.
“Estimates on the number of pig deaths ranges from 2.7 million to more than 7 million..”
Pigs Dying by the Millions
Scientist are once again befuddled by another new and seemly incurable virus that attacks and kills baby pigs. The virus has killed millions of pigs in less that a year. It is unclear its cause or place of origin, but it is thought that PED (porcine epidemic diarrhea) may have entered the US from China. PED is yet another deadly assault on the animal food supply along with such others as ‘Mad Cow Disease,’ ‘Foot and Month Disease,’ etc. It is now as of May 2014 threatening the United States pig population in 27 states. With production on the decline that means pork prices have steadily risen and will continue to increase until the epidemic is

It has also been called “swine mystery disease”, “blue abortion”, and “swine infertility”, and also
“Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome”, or PPRS. The PPRS virus like AIDS attacks the pigs immune system leaving the pigs vulnerable to a host of other infections, especially of the lungs. The PPRS virus is said to spread via semen, saliva and blood, but does not seem to be able to be transmitted to other animals or humans.
Another problem that poses a possible health threat is the fact that so many pigs are dying that safe disposal and processing of the pig carcasses has become a deep concern. Disposal is not monitored and in many cases dead pigs are siting out for days waiting to be transported to off site disposals. During this time blood and other bodily fluids seep underground and also vultures and other scavengers preying on the carcasses could spread diseases flying off to other areas.
States Running Out of Water Due to Draught
As of May 2014 the United States is still in the grips of a moderate to severe drought that is now stretching over at least 30 percent of the country. Several states are saying that if drought conditions do not change radically and soon that they will soon run out of water. The states that are now experiences the most severe drought conditions are, California, New Mexico, Nevada, Kansas, Arizona, Oklahoma, and Texas.

“At least two-thirds (of colonies) are projected to have declined by (more than) 50 percent from their current size by the end of the century.”
Antarctica without the Emperor Penguin
A recent article states that the Emperor Penguins are waddling towards extinction. It seems that ‘The March of the Penguins’ is declining and could come to a halt due to climate change as a result of Global Warming on the South Pole. The Emperor Penguins are the world’s largest penguins and scientists are saying that they may be heading towards extinction and could become an endangered species.

Sea ice change and the resultant harmful affect it has on the penguins’ population is putting the Emperor Penguins in severe danger. The Emperor Penguins depend on the ice for breeding and raising their young. The sea ice is also key for housing the food chain that the penguins feed on. A paper published in the journal of Nature Climate Change says that “At least two-thirds (of colonies) are projected to have declined by (more than) 50 percent from their current size by the end of the century.”
“25% of coral reefs have disappeared from the planet in the last half century”
Coral Reefs
Why are the Coral Reefs so healthy and flourishing in the waters surrounding Cuba? Reefs are considered the ‘rain forest of the sea’. 25% of Coral Reefs have disappeared from the planet in the last 25 to 50 years. One specific species of coral reefs has declined 90% on the planet but flourishes in the waters surrounding Cuba.

After the fall of the Soviet Union plus the embargo on Cuba by the United States the importing of Chemical Fertilizers ceased. This series of events pretty much forced Cuba into the use of organic farming. Hence, no more chemical run off from the large farms into the waters surrounding the island.
- Three Years to Turn Corner on Global Warning
- Pollution might be blocking 25% of potential solar power, study finds
- Climate Change Could Prevent Food From Getting Around the World
- Pollution Linked to 9 Million Premature Deaths
- Greenland Made Me Care About Climate Change
- Pope Francis Has A Lot to Say About Climate Change and Humanity